1101 Butterworth Ct. Stevensville, MD 21666
(443) 249-3277
office@chesapeakecomfortsystems.com --- HVAC License #54647

Preparing Your HVAC System for Allergy Season

spring cleaning hvac maintenance

5 Ways To Prepare Your HVAC System for Allergy Season

Spring can be a such an exciting time of year, but for those who suffer from allergies, it can be a miserable! From pollen to dust and other allergens, the air is full of irritating particles that can cause discomfort and even serious health issues.

Fortunately, by taking some simple steps to prepare your HVAC system for allergy season, you can help keep your indoor air quality high and alleviate allergy symptoms. Here are some tips for preparing your HVAC system for allergy season:

1. Change Your Air Filters

man changing air filter hvac system

Did you know you should be swapping out your heating or cooling system’s air filters at least every 3 months? Air filters are designed to capture airborne particles and allergens, preventing them from circulating through your home. But if your filters are dirty or clogged, they won’t be able to do their job effectively.

Make sure to change your air filters regularly during allergy season, and consider upgrading to filters with a higher MERV rating for better filtration.

2. Clean Your Ducts

Duct cleaning is important because over time, dust, dirt, and other contaminants can accumulate in your system’s ductwork, reducing the quality of the air circulating through your home or workplace. These contaminants can include allergens like pollen and pet dander, as well as mold spores and other bacteria.

In addition, dirty ducts can also reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system, making it work harder to heat or cool your space and potentially driving up your energy bills.

3. Invest in an Whole-Home Air Purifier

Air cleaners and air purifiers use modern technology to supply your home with healthier, cleaner air. Whole-home air cleaners have the ability to remove up to 99.9% of airborne particles, including harmful bacteria and allergens. These are permanent systems that are installed to work in tandem with your existing HVAC system. Luckily when it comes to whole-home air purifiers, there is a such wide variety of options available, that you can pretty much incorporate them into any kind of existing heating or cooling system.

Chesapeake Comfort Systems offers a variety of air quality services and products, and is here to help with your air quality needs. Our professional service technicians will evaluate your system to determine which type of air purifier is the best match for your home and budget.

4. Schedule Professional Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your heating and cooling systems running smoothly and efficiently. Consider scheduling a professional maintenance visit with us before allergy season hits to ensure that your system is clean and functioning properly. A professional HVAC technician will also identify any potential issues that could worsen allergy symptoms, like mold growth or leaks.

To get the most out of your investment, and to greatly increase the chances of a long life expectancy, we recommend scheduling preventative maintenance visits twice per year (in the spring and fall) with a Certified HVAC Professional.

5. Keep Your Home Clean

father son family home spring cleaning

In addition to maintaining your HVAC system, keeping your home clean can also help reduce allergens in the air. Vacuum regularly, dust surfaces, and wash linens frequently to reduce the amount of pollen, dust, and other particles in your home.

You’d be surprised at just how much you can clean with just baking soda, lemons, and some vinegar. Check out this helpful post by The Spruce on DIY cleaners for further inspiration and recipes.


Allergy season can be a difficult time for many people, but by taking these steps to prepare your HVAC system, you can help keep your indoor air quality high and alleviate allergy symptoms. By changing your air filters regularly, cleaning your ducts, installing an air purifier, scheduling professional maintenance, and keeping your home clean, you can create a healthier living environment for you and your family.

Live in the Chesapeake Bay Area? We’re Here to Help.

Whether it’s performing a preventative maintenance visit to boost indoor air quality, or installing a whole-home air quality system such as an air purification system or a humidity control system, you can count on Chesapeake Comfort Systems to perform HVAC service with the very best quality and value around. We know how stressful heating and cooling-related issues can be, and we’re here for you every step of the way.

From our kind and caring office staff to our professional technicians with years of HVAC expertise, Chesapeake Comfort Systems is a clear choice for your heating and cooling service needs.

If your home is located in one of our many Service Areas, then Contact Us today to schedule a service visit.